A .NET Core Tool to encrypt and decrypt files using AEAD AES-256-GCM, as well as generate an encryption key.
The tool was created to help encrypt configuration files for use with the .NET Core projects using the Miqo.EncryptedJsonConfiguration library. Kizuna can be used as a stand-alone tool to encrypt and decrypt files.
Download and install the .NET Core 3.1 SDK or newer. Once installed, run the following command to run OtterKeys:
Once installed you can call Kizuna from the command line:
You can use the –help option to get more details about the commands and their options.
Creating a new encryption key
Creating a new encryption key is as easy as typing:
Kizuna will output the encryption key in the console.
The encryption key should be stored securely. Each of your projects/products should have it’s own unique key if the key is used to encrypt a configuration file. Never check the encryption key into a source control.
Encrypt a file
You can encrypt a file using the following command:
Usage: Kizuna encrypt -k {Key} {FileName}
The file is replaced. Add the -c
option to output the encrypted content to your console instead of writing to the file system.
Decrypt a file
You can decrypt a file using the following command:
Usage: Kizuna decrypt -k {Key} {FileName}
The file is replaced. Add the -c
option to output the decrypted content to your console instead of writing to the file system.
Kizuna (este enlace se abre en una nueva ventana) por miqoas (este enlace se abre en una nueva ventana)
🐀🔐 A .NET Global Tool to quickly encrypt and decrypt files using AES-256-GCM
Kizuna uses some of the encryption code from the CryptHash.NET (MIT license) library for it’s AES-256-GCM operations.