Nuubi Information Ghatering Scanner Recon
Nuubi Information Ghatering Scanner Recon

Nuubi: Herramienta para Information Ghatering, Scanner y Recon

Herramientas Nuubi (Escáner, Reconnaissance)

NUUBI es una herramienta de reconocimiento, escáneres y herramientas para pruebas de penetración. El reconocimiento es la primera fase de las pruebas de penetración, lo que significa reunir información antes de que se planifique un ataque real. Así que NUUBI es una herramienta de reconocimiento increíblemente rápida para pruebas de penetración, especialmente diseñada para la fase de reconocimiento.


      -h/--help       |  Show help message and exit


        -b/--banner    | Banner grabing of target ip address
        -s/--subnet    | Subnetlookup of target       
        -c/--cms       | Cms detect with headers
        -d/--dns       | Dnslookup of target domain
        -e/--extract   | Extract links from target url(https/http)
        -H/--http      | Httpheaders of target url
        -n/--nmap      | Nmapscan of target domain
        -S/--sub       | Subdomain lookup of target domain
        -f/--find      | Find hosts sharing DNS servers
        -u/--username  | Github username of target
        -w/--whois     | Whois of target domain
        -C/--crawl     | Crawler target url
        -r/--reverse   | Reverse ip lookup
        -z/--zone      | zonetransfer, Retrieve DNS Zone
 	-asn          | Check an Autonomous System Number (ASN)
        --nping        | nping, test Ping Response
        --cookie       | Cloudflare cookie scraper
        --revdns       | Reverse DNS
        --cert         | Certificate Transparency log monitor
        --url          | URL and website scanner for potentially malicious websites
        --response     | Check code status response
        --exj          | Extract GET parameters from javascript files

        -ip            | GeoIP lookup of target ip address 
        -T             | Traceroute

Cómo Instalar

Kali Linu ,parros os, ubuntu

root@kali~# git clone
root@kali~# pip install -r requirements.txt
root@kali~# python3 -h


pikpik~$ pkg install python git ncurses-bin -y
pikpik~$ git clone | cd nuubi
pikpik~$ pip install -r requirements.txt
pikpik~$ python3 -h


python3 "arguments"


  • Banner grabing
  • Subnetlookup
  • Cms detect
  • Certificate Transparency log monitor
  • Dnslookup
  • Extract links
  • GeoIP lookup
  • Httpheaders
  • Nmapscan
  • Subdomain lookup
  • Traceroute
  • Find hosts sharing DNS servers
  • URL and website scanner for potentially malicious websites
  • Github username
  • Whois
  • Crawler
  • Reverse ip
  • Reverse DNS
  • Zonetransfer
  • Nping test Ping Response
  • Check an Autonomous System Number (ASN)
  • Cloudflare Cookie Scraper
  • Check code status response

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