Powerexploit is a pentesting module contains scanning, remoting, post exploitation functionality, designed with the help of powershell scripting & .net functions.
Tabla de Contenido
write-host “Hack with Powerexploit the Operating Systems”
write-host -fore green “Inspired by Powersploit”
- Run the install.ps1 file
- Import the Powerexploit Module From Powerexploit folder
import-module -name Powerexploit.psm1
- Get functions of Powerexploit
Get-command -module Powerexploit
- Then Run any of functions from Powerexploit

If you want to contribute to this to this module , So You can contribute in following ways:
- Report bugs
- Add some code
- Give suggestions to make it better
- Fix issues & submit a pull request
Dark Mode
Powerexploit (este enlace se abre en una nueva ventana) por powerexploit (este enlace se abre en una nueva ventana)
Post-Exploitation :sunglasses: module for Penetration Tester and Hackers.